Ansiedade dos alunos na performance instrumental : acordeão : estratégias e atitudes para a gestão da ansiedade

  • Arlete Pereira Oliveira (Student)
  • Orvalho, L. (Supervisor)

Activity: Supervision


The report on the Professional Practice and Pedagogic Intervention Project is presented to the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), to obtain a Master's Degree in Music Teaching. The professional practice is an essential part of the training plan of the Masters in Music Teaching, held in the area of specialization of vocal and instrumental practice: accordion at the Fernandes Fão Music Academy (AMFF) - Ponte de Lima during the school year 2017/18, and also included the design, recognition and assessment of the Pedagogical Intervention Project, on the subject "Anxiety of students in instrumental performance – Accordion - Strategies and Attitudes for Managing Anxiety "in the form of a scientific article. The professional practice, based on the learning and acquisition of competences carried out in all the curricular units of the Science and Art School, in UCP, had as main objectives, the practice of supervised teaching, research and development activities in the field of artistic education, and fostered reflection and critical analysis in and for action.
Period23 Jul 2018
Held atUniversidade Católica Portuguesa
Degree of RecognitionMaster


  • Anxiety management
  • Strategies and attitudes
  • Instrumental performance
  • Accordion