Community of Practice in Professionalism

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


We will be continuing the conversation begun last year in Palma around key themes essential to the teaching and learning of Professionalism. The purpose of this session is to share the results of the COP’s scholarly activity this past year establishing foundations essential for colleagues involved in the teaching of Professionalism for all members of the Dental Team:
Definition of Professionalism
Definition of the effective practitioner in Professionalism
Mapping of current state of Professionalism teaching, share best practice and recommendation in Professionalism Curriculum
Challenges in Professionalism brought by the adoption of new software, media and technologies
Period23 Aug 202325 Aug 2023
Event titleADEE Annual Meeting Liverpool 2023
Event typeConference
LocationLiverpool, United KingdomShow on map


  • Professionalism
  • Dentistry