Family Foster Care In-Service Training: What do Foster Carers prefer?

  • Kamila Araújo (Speaker)
  • Helena Grangeia (Speaker)
  • Leonor Bettencourt Rodrigues (Speaker)
  • Negrão, M. (Speaker)
  • Joana Baptista (Speaker)
  • Stephanie Alves (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


In-service training is important to ensure that foster carers have the necessary skills to fulfill their responsibilities during foster care, but discontinued participation is a concern. There is a lack of research about foster carers’ preferences, although it is crucial to inform the development of training programs. This study sought to explore foster carers’ preferences for in-service training and its correlates with child and foster carers’ variables.
Participants were 28 Portuguese foster families (71% couples; Mage = 47 years; SD=8.00; Min-Max=35-69), corresponding to 39 foster carers, that completed an online questionnaire about their preferences for in-service training.
Results indicated that 72% of participants preferred a hybrid format (synchronous online and in-person) and a mixed type (individual and group components) of training, and 56% preferred training after working hours. Barriers such as inflexible schedules and long sessions were the most cited reasons for not participating in training. For, approximately, 69% of participants all selected foster carers should have access to in-service training, regardless of their difficulties and 51% think training should occur during the first month after children’s placement. The training contents perceived as most useful were strategies to deal with the socioemotional impact of children’s adverse experiences (90%), with children’s preparation and transition process (87%) and with children’s specific traumatic experiences (85%). Discussions of practical cases (90%) and sharing experiences with other foster carers (85%) were the preferred methodologies. Most participants considered useful (92%), and would be interested to participate (86%) in support groups for foster carers moderated by professionals (92%). Correlates of foster carers’ preferences were also explored and will be presented.
Our findings indicate that foster carers’ preferences point towards a more adaptive and supportive practice and flexible training, targeting specific contents, and delivered in the beginning of child’s placement.
Period16 Nov 202219 Nov 2022
Event title8th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology with Children and Adolescents
Event typeConference
Organiser Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche
LocationElche, SpainShow on map