Pintura concentrada : elementos para definir um conceito pictórico contemporâneo : presença e itinerários da hibridação no seu sedimentar

  • Jorge Manuel Abade Dias (Student)
  • Yolanda Espiña (Supervisor)
  • António Olaio (Co-supervisor)

Activity: Supervision


The aim of this study, Concentrated Painting – Elements to define a contemporary pictorial concept: presence and itinerary of hybridization in its consolidation, is to contribute to consolidate the act of concentrating as a common denominator in artistic creation, and to establish how it happens as an act of particular relevance in painting. For this to be done within a systematically organized basis - able to handle the interweaving of the essential traversing focusses in which concentration occurs - the research is structured in five moments, preceded by a prefatory opening that centres the nature of what is the essential impulse for artistic creation. These five moments develop a route from the objectual and material in painting to its path to being (I); from its possibility of interpretability (II); to truth and reality in the occurrence of concentration (III); from the scrutiny of the rizomatic conceptual interlacement present in artistic creation (IV); to the analysis and function of hybridization in concentrating throughout its back-and forth itinerary to invisuality. In its concentrated interpretability and all its open concentration willing to otherness, works are ready to fruition, staying expecting to this final encouraging and legitimating interaction. Concentration consolidates itself as a contemporary pictorial concept.
Period30 Sept 2015
Held atUniversidade Católica Portuguesa
Degree of RecognitionPhD