Public Procurement and Sustainable Development

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


"Public procurement has been evolving from an economic instrument into a mixed one with the inclusion of horizontal policies (both environmental and social ones). The latest Directives regarding public procurement have turned some of the previous “suggested” instruments into binding law, namely the sustainability principle, mandatory procedure dematerialization, ecolabels, life-cycle costing as a factor within the most economically advantageous tender criterion, social protection of persons with disabilities, specific procedure rules concerning certain social contracts, and innovation as an instrument to achieve sustainability. This legal instrument has been recognised as a strong legal mechanism to achieve the 12th SGD goal for promoting sustainable public procurement practices, in line with national policies and priorities (target 12.7). This is why public procurement actors must consider EU determinations such as The New Green Deal, which intends to make EU economy sustainable: “public authorities, including the EU institutions, should lead by example and ensure that their procurement is green”(European Commission, 2019a, §2.1.3)" - part of the abstract submitted.
Period15 Jul 2021
Held atMid Sweden University, Sweden


  • Public Procurement
  • Circular Procurement
  • 12th UN SDG goal
  • Sustainability