Relatório de estágio

  • Marta Cristina Pinto Pereira (Student)
  • Margarida Lourenço (Supervisor)

Activity: Supervision


This report comes at the end of the course of Masters in Nursing Specialization in Child Health and Pediatric Institute of Health Sciences - Catholic University of Portugal (UCP-ICS). Its purpose is to describe the goals and activities throughout the three modules residency , exposing the course of training and specific skills developed in different practical contexts, describing them in a critical and reflective way. Promoting Child Safety - Accident Prevention was the theme outlined cross over Course -Residency, since it appears in the National Health Plan 2012-2016 (Directorate General of Health (DGS), 2012) as relevant in obtaing health gains, considering required urgent and assertive approach to reduce the high rates of mortality and morbidity associated with childhood accidents. Methodologically, the elaboration of this report focused on evidence-based practice, taking into account empirical data from studies in the systematic review of the literature and the needs identified in the target population of the different contexts of activity. Thus, module I was divided in: Community Resources, reflecting on the role of the Nurse Specialist in Pediatric and Child Health (EESIP) in this area and Unity Health Care Card (UCSP), developing a guide, to guide child health query, a session of health education for carers and two informative posters. In Module II (Pediatric Pulmonology (UPP)), intervened in this issue, both among providers of care through a care advisor guide and an informative poster, both for professionals with a pamphlet on preventing aspiration foreign bodies and their countermeasures. In Module III which was divided in ER Pediatric (SUP), which showed a targeted approach to relevant care providers with the development of an informative poster and guidance counselor, and mentor but a guide for professionals and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)), which was a prepared guide for guiding the main providers of care to the newborn (NB). Along this route came to the Specific Skills advocated by Order of Nurses for EESIP: "Watch the child / teenager with family, in maximizing their health," "Take care of the child / teenager and family in cases of special complexity"; “It provides specific care for the needs of life cycle and development of children and teenagers" (OE, 2010, p.2)
Period23 Oct 2013
Held atUniversidade Católica Portuguesa
Degree of RecognitionMaster


  • Childhood accidents
  • Nurse specialist pediatric and child health
  • Health promotion