Serious games para o ensino do pensamento computacional com a utilização de minecraft

Activity: Examination


Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Indústria Criativa) - Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo-RS, 2021.
Inclui bibliografia e apêndice.
Créditos : "Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Marta Rosecler Bez, Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Luís Teixeira"

This dissertation seeks to understand, through the development and analysis of a game developed in Minecraft EE, a set of items. What are Serious Games? What are its characteristics and needs? Is it possible to develop Serious Games using Minecraft EE? What are the particularities of using this platform, concerning technological, pedagogical, and usability aspects? In addition, it also seeks to understand how it is possible to use a game for the teaching of Computational Thinking, investigating what are the necessary contents to approach the theme, and how the correct reflection of the subject can be stimulated through a game. For this, in this research, the efforts took place in three phases: the construction of the necessary knowledge base for the creation of a Serious Game in Minecraft EE, with a focus on teaching Computational Thinking; the development of this game based on the knowledge acquired in the previous phase and; the evaluation of the game, made by specialists, on its applicability and usefulness with its students. Using this workflow, it was possible to develop a Serious Game, which was evaluated as a good educational resource to be used in the teaching of Computational Thinking

Period12 Jul 2021
ExamineeLucas Pereira da Rosa
Examination held at
  • Universidade Feevale
Degree of RecognitionMaster