Valentina Fernandes, “The adoption of sustainable practices on personal luxury goods: impact on purchase motivations and intention, emotions, and self-identity, defended on January 2023.

Activity: Supervision


With the growth of the luxury industry in recent years, especially the personal goods segment, and with environmental concerns and sustainability increasingly influencing consumers, it is crucial to understand the role of this industry in the spotlight of sustainability.For this reason, this investigation aims to understand what perceptions, feelings, and purchase intentions current and potential onsumers will have about these sustainable luxury products. To do this, based on the literature, information was gathered from individuals by (1) developing
a questionnaire to assess consumers’ perceptions and attitudes towards different sustainable strategies, and (2) conduction interviews to deepen the knowledge regarding consumer’s emotions regarding sustainable luxury products. This way, it was possible to assess people's perspectives and understanding of the new sustainable production methods that have been implemented. The results of this investigation reveal that, in general, individuals are considerably concerned about the current state of the environment and that despite their positive purchase intentions for this type of sustainable goods, perceptions about them are not
unanimous and deserve further look. Thus, this study provides relevant academic and managerial contributions, as it indicates which sustainable strategies are most familiar to individuals, how they judge and evaluate them, and
which of them generates higher purchase intentions, granting a deeper knowledge about the potential consumers in this market segment.
Held atCatólica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
Degree of RecognitionMaster