12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Simone Petrella with the persons below:
Armanda Gonçalves
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Assistant Professor
Catarina Vieira da Silva
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Assistant Professor
Anabela Rodrigues
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences - Assistant Professor
Person: Assistant Professor
Luísa Mota Ribeiro
- Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH) - Researcher
- Faculty of Education and Psychology - Assistant Professor
Person: Assistant Professor, Researcher
Paulo César Dias
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Associate Professor
Levi Silva
Person: Researcher
Diana Mesquita
- Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH) - Researcher
- Faculty of Education and Psychology - Assistant Professor
Person: Assistant Professor, Researcher
Diana Soares
- Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH) - Researcher
- Faculty of Education and Psychology - Assistant Professor
Person: Assistant Professor, Researcher
Lurdes Veríssimo
- Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH) - Researcher
- Faculty of Education and Psychology - Associate Professor
Person: Associate Professor, Researcher