Biomarkers monitoring By specially Designed microfluidic paper-based Devices

Project Details


The aim of the proposed project is to design, develop and study disposable devices for in the moment analysis of micronutrients in non-invasive biological fluids. The idea is not replacing conventional blood analysis, but yet to provide a fast, non-invasive alternative, displaying an immediate response for potential point-of-care application by untrained personnel. The objective is to explore the concepts of paper-based analytical devices (PADs) and of polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) in order to develop an in-hand and real-time quantification of potential biomarkers, namely metal ions, nitrogen-based compounds and iodide. The biological chemistry of these biomarkers is rather complex and although they are not routinely assessed they can be powerful health status indicators. So, I propose to establish an innovative research line based on microfluidic analytical devices devoted to design and develop disposable devices for micronutrients assessment as inexpensive, fast, and effective diagnosis methods. The combination of PADs and PIMs comprehends exploiting the functionalization of solid materials for selectivity enhancement and interferences minimization. The chosen biomarkers are known for being involved in the balance needed for a healthy wellbeing. This means they are essential at specific amounts so their precise quantification is crucial, over a presence/absence testing. Therefore, effective, reliable analytical methods are essential, and an original research line dedicated to its development indispensable. Among the several potential metal ions as biomarkers, the project will focus in the quantification of calcium, magnesium and iron, along with urea and iodide as non-metal biomarkers. Non-invasive biological fluids, namely saliva and urine, are ideal target samples for the proposed devices, due to the minimal amount required and easiness of collection. Additionally, their composition is affected by specific and identifiable causes, enabling a correlation of the blood content of these biomarkers.
The new devices to be developed consist of low cost, in the moment, on-hand diagnosis tools for non-trained personnel. Furthermore, with this project a research line on microfluidics devices for analytical measurements to attain health diagnosis is to be established. The successful outcome will be encouraging to follow up into bioanalytical and enzymatic assays. It is also expected to involve master and PhD students, as well as undergraduates, from the home institution, as detailed in the plan and methods, in order to establish a
comprehensive work group.
StatusNot started


  • Microfluids analytical analysis
  • Non-invasive biological fluids
  • Polymer inclusion membranes
  • Determination of nitrogen-based compounds
  • Metal-ions quantification


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