ProfeSsional development for an effective PBL approach: a practical experience through ICT-enables lEarning solutions

Project Details


The SCENE “ProfeSsional development for an effeCtive PBL approach: a practical experiENce through ICT-enabled lEarning solutions” is a project co-funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Program (Key Activity 3: ICT). The project duration is two years and half, from January 2012 and to June 2014. It aims at developing an innovative training methodology supported by an ICT enabled solution with the purpose to train and guide professionals of the educational field (teachers, trainers and headmasters/school managers) who want to become effective Problem Based Learning-PBL facilitators.
The project final aim is the improvement of quality in teaching or team management and of teachers/trainers/school leaders skills through the:
- acquisition of a method based on “learning by doing” and “peer to peer” approaches;
- transfer of the ability to identify problems of different types and level of complexity and the ability to design and implement an appropriate “scenario”;
- transfer of the ability to assess the quality of the problem solving process and related results.
Effective start/end date25/01/1230/06/14

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