A case report for differential diagnosis: Integrative medicine vs child abuse

Cristina Silveira Ribeiro*, Fernanda Rodrigues, Catarina Ribeiro, Teresa Magalhães

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The authors present the case of a ten-year-old Chinese boy who was taken to a hospital due to the presence of suspicious bruises on his body. The child was examined in the National Institute of Legal Medicine by forensic doctors and a forensic psychologist. Clinical characteristics of the case are summarized stressing that a better understanding of some kinds of integrative medicine (IM) may help to differentiate injuries resulting from those practices. This is the only and unique case diagnosed by the medico-legal services in Portugal. In fact a great range of IM practice has the potential to create confusion in the diagnosis of physical child abuse. This study focuses on the differential diagnosis of one specific kind of frequent skin injury usually seen in situations of both child abuse and IM (in this case Tui Na) - bruises. As the number of people who practice Traditional Chinese Medicine and other forms of IM increases in the Western world, the child protection community would benefit from familiarizing itselves with these practices to prevent social and/or legal conflicts that may arise from mistaken diagnoses of abuse. The objective of this case report is to emphasize the relevance of comprehensive and interdisciplinary evaluation of child abuse cases taking into account the specifics of each case, to achieve a proper diagnosis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)316-319
Number of pages4
JournalLegal Medicine
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Bruises
  • Child physical abuse
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Folk medicine
  • Integrative medicine
  • Mimickers


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