A comparative study for water reuse in an urban WWTP with a novel non-thermal plasma technology

Luís Marinheiro*, Inês Baptista, Ruben Jorge, Célia Manaia, Stefan Löblich

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Currently, the scarcity of potable water is a worldwide problem that makes it necessary to explore alternative sources for non-potable uses, such as the reuse of treated wastewater. The present study aimed to investigate and compare the application of several tertiary treatment technologies, and its combinations, in the production of reusable wastewater (RWW). A novel advanced oxidation technology in the water treatment field, Non-Thermal Plasma (NTP), was also studied and included in this comparative study. Pilot and industrial scale tests were carried out under real conditions in an urban WWTP. RWW were obtained with diverse qualities fitted to different urban uses. NTP applied in best operating optimized conditions allowed for a 3.2 log-reduction in Escherichia coli present in secondary effluent. A comparative cost analysis also showed that NTP is a competitive technology for disinfection in comparison with the other tested.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 3rd international conference on water energy food and sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023)
EditorsJoão Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão, Paulo Brito, Filipe dos Santos Neves, Henrique de Amorim Almeida, Sandra de Jesus Martins Mourato, Catarina Nobre
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9783031485329
ISBN (Print)9783031485312, 9783031485343
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability - Polytechnic of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
Duration: 10 May 202312 May 2023

Publication series

NameSpringer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences
VolumePart F2516
ISSN (Print)2524-342X
ISSN (Electronic)2524-3438


Conference3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability
Abbreviated titleICoWEFS 2023


  • Disinfection
  • Non-thermal plasma
  • Water reuse


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