
The Vatican and the Church in Portugal established Benedict XVI’s visit to Portugal in May 2011 as a media event. The media corresponded to the theme and the actor(s) with a mobilization of financial and human investment that resulted in focused and comprehensive coverage. The television channels, public and private, took a prominent role in mediating the events through the presentation and evaluation of “man-Pope” and his actions. This fact resulted in “single issue” but still competitive broadcasts, given the production of contextual and live reports, highlighting the construction of stages and the guests/pundits (both lay and religious) and the journalists/anchors in charge of outputs. This article discusses the construction of the “electronic feast” from both perspectives: production and reception.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)95-114
JournalComunicação & Cultura
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Television
  • Mediatic coverage
  • Audience measurement
  • Communication strategies
  • Media events

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