A educação de todos e ao longo de toda a vida e a regulação sociocomunitária da educação

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper



The purpose of this text is to answer the following question: taking the education of all the citizens of a given community, throughout their lives, within a perspective of social solidarity andcitizenship, and placing human development at the heart of social development, in what way should the different social actors be organized and linked in order to optimize this higher level social aspiration, starting with the state itself and ending with the smallest parish-level institutions? How are guidelines, rules and activities defined and controlled? I cannot, today, ignore the need to focus and reflect on social pedagogy, with a very special emphasis on the balance between lifelong learning for all with the “socio-community regulation of education”.
Original languagePortuguese
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventII Encontro de Pedagogia Social: Educação e Solidariedade - Porto, Portugal
Duration: 9 May 20189 May 2018


ConferenceII Encontro de Pedagogia Social: Educação e Solidariedade

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