A evolução da notação musical do Ocidente na história do livro até à invenção da imprensa

Research output: Types of ThesisMaster's Thesis


Through time, the book had its own history. There are some who consider it as an everlasting memories maker, an immortalizer of wisdom and traditions circulating, a priori, through oral speech. It thus became an evolving artifact, especially until Gutenberg invented the mobile press in the fifteenth century. This innovation’s impact was felt at the time, as it still is today and transformed several activities, such as music. It is therefore necessary to be conscious about the several forms of musical notation that existed until the press was invented: from using the alphabet letters to the creation of mensurable rhythmic values, following its development and analyzing the music printing’s first steps. This invention, carried out by many printers like Ottaviano Petrucci, in 1501, brought music printing to life and it’s seen as the sponsor of the standardization and cultural massification that allowed music to become reachable to everyone in public space in higher and more qualified terms.
Original languagePortuguese
  • Pereira, Reina Marisol Troca, Supervisor, External person
Award date1 Jan 2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Book
  • Music history
  • Musical notation
  • Gutenberg
  • Music printing

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