A influência da cultura organizacional e da comunicação interna no engagement dos colaboradores: estudo de caso: Banco de Portugal

Raquel Tomé Gomes

Research output: Types of ThesisMaster's Thesis


In an increasingly competitive and unpredictable environment, organizations seek to enhance and optimize processes that will allow them to differentiate from others and achieve competitive advantages. In order to do this, it is crucial that they reflect about the organizational dynamics, in particular about the relationship they establish with their employees. In this regard, the concept of engagement has been the subject of numerous studies since its particularities can lead to very positive organizational outcomes, due to the behaviors exhibited by employees. Thus, in order to recognize the levels of employee engagement and provide the organization with the means to stimulate it, we intended to study the impact that organizational culture and internal communication have on this variable. Therefore, this research focused on the specific organizational context of Banco de Portugal and, through the application of a survey, it was possible to confirm that its organizational culture and internal communication positively influence the levels of employee engagement. In addition, it was also verified that the employees see themselves in the contents published in the BdP INTRANET platform. However, they look for and want something more and the Enterprise Social Networks are not the ideal path to cross by the organization at this moment.
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Faculty of Human Sciences
  • Brandão, Nuno Goulart, Supervisor
Award date25 Jun 2019
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jul 2019


  • Intranet
  • Engagement
  • Organizational culture
  • Internal communication

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