A liturgia da Semana Santa: textos e ritos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The “Holly Week of Braga” condenses, in the liturgical practices and devotionals, secular heritages. There are rites and processions that, in the same way of spiritual “pearls”, inlaid in the renewed liturgy by the Second Vatican Council. Developed in past cultural idiosyncrasies, they remain with such vitality that make us think. Anachronic on one hand, full of time on the other hand, they ‘sensitize’ faith’s memory of a Cristian community that preserve them as a privileged manifestation of her identity. According the method of study of comparative liturgy, we have analyzed rites of liturgical celebrations from Palm Sunday (blessing, palm procession and entrance on the cathedral door) and Easter Triduum: foot washing on the evening mass on Holy Thursday; adoration of the holy cross and Theophoric Procession on the Good Friday; Easter light, Accendite rite and resurrection procession on Holy Saturday.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)101-122
Number of pages22
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018


  • Holy Week of Braga
  • Rites
  • Texts
  • Comparative liturgy

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