A meaningful ICT approach to learning in contexts of multilingualism and great cultural diversity

Ana Mouta, Ana Paulino, João Ferreira, Filipe Couto

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review



This presentation describes a methodological approach to learning inclusive and innovative practices in contexts of great diversity proposed by JP-inspiring knowledge. The particularity of an educational framework – the ik-Model – that aims at the reinforcement of systemic educational cultures in a demanding context of heterogeneity – the Plurinational State of Bolivia – is the main focus of this analysis. In 2014, an interministerial process, involving national and international stakeholders, developed a Masters Training for local Educational Agents within an ICT innovative learning approach. One of the crucial challenges for the Bolivian education system, emphasized in the SocioCommunity Productive Educational Model, was the adoption of new technologies in the new curriculum, taking into account the Bolivian multilingual, intercultural and intracultural education. The ik-Model was used as a methodological strategy to approach ICT in this challenging context of cultural identity reinforcement. During the training phase, participants had to design their meaningful ICT activities always bearing in mind socio-communitarian productive goals and the demand for a collaborative and inclusive learning environment that reinforces cultural roots and diversity. A particular meaningful learning plan is highlighted here, regarding the critical elements that make it a token of the most meaningful practices in education and development for all throughout the life span.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages31
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event 1th D4|Learning international Conference Innovations in Digital Learning for Inclusion - University College Nordjylland (UCN), Aalborg, Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 17 Nov 201520 Nov 2015


Conference 1th D4|Learning international Conference Innovations in Digital Learning for Inclusion
Internet address


  • Digital education
  • Teacher learning
  • Multilingualism
  • Disruptive technology
  • Meaningfulness
  • ik-model


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