A poesia de Herberto Helder entre os índios Caxinauás e a contemporaneidade brasileira

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Our purpose is to analyze poetic moments in Herberto Helder’s work from which it is possible to unders-tand relations of proximity between the Portuguese and the Brazilian peoples. We shall turn to the poem “A criação da Lua”, by the Caxinauás Indians, who live between Peru and Brazil, which Herberto Helder translated/changed into Portuguese, and poetic texts by Herberto Helder, published in Ofício Cantante, whose syntax, phonetic and phonologic specificities identify themselves with the way of speaking of the Brazilian people.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)131-140
JournalRevista Convergência Lusíada
Issue number29
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Herberto Helder
  • Contemporary poetry
  • Caxinauás Indians
  • Poems translated/changed into Portuguese

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