Abandono oculto: as realidades por detrás das estatísticas

Research output: Types of ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Neither new, nor exclusive, the phenomenon of early school leaving remains one of the most pressing concerns. The institutionalization of compulsory education has increased compulsive climate, forcing everyone to attend school and brought with it a new phenomenon: the students who are in school dropout, not effective, but hidden within the school itself. It was our purpose to prove empirically that in primary and secondary education there are students who, having characteristics and pathways of school dropout, remain enrolled but disengaged and, in this sense, they’re in hidden dropout. Thus, we wanted to understand what happens at school with these students, what are their school trajectories and the reasons for their disconnection, trying to reveal the reality behind the statistics. To accomplish this task, we proceeded to a conceptual clarification, calling the concepts of early leaving education and training (ELET), school disengagement and hidden dropout. Starting from its strongest predictors - poor school performance, absenteeism, and behavioral / indiscipline problems - we built a Hidden Dropout Student Profile and designed a Hidden Dropout Identification Device (HDID). In order to enlighten this problem, anchored in the paradigm of complexity, in a qualitative methodology and in a logic of multiple case study, we sought to describe and understand the phenomenon(s) in greater depth. The data collected and analyzed from the application of HDID allowed us to identify, characterize students in hidden dropout and set the severity level at which they are. The results lead us to conclude that there is hidden dropout in the school-context, as a result of a process of school disengagement, reflected in the strong contribution of the variables poor school performance, absenteeism and behavioral problems / indiscipline to the hidden dropout and ELET.
Original languagePortuguese
  • Azevedo, Joaquim, Supervisor
Award date13 Dec 2019
Publication statusPublished - 13 Dec 2019


  • Hidden dropout
  • Early leaving of education and training
  • School disengagement
  • School failure and absenteeism

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