Atypical interpersonal communication: looking for and through a different lens

João Canossa Dias, Ana Mineiro, Saskia Damen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



While studying communication, researchers and practitioners may use different theoretical approaches or models representative of the process. Dependent on the definition of communication and the use of a linear, interactional or transactional model of communication, the philosophical inclination will change, as well as the questions, hypothesis, and explanations formulated by the professional. Communication takes place in diverse contexts; this text focuses on interpersonal communication settings. Interpersonal communication may become atypical when one of the parties in the exchange communicates mainly through pre-verbal, unconventional and, sometimes, peculiar behaviours. Atypical communication is common in case of a disability or neurodevelopmental condition is present. In the present research, the Complex of Continuous Communication (CCC) is formulated as a theoretical model to analyse and explain atypical interpersonal communication as a co-creative process, emphasizing the way the communication relationship is developed within the dyads. The model is based on a thorough narrative review of relevant literature in the field to determine the components of the model, clarify the relationships among them, and explain how the communicative dynamic may grow in terms of diversity and complexity. The new model is articulated with a conscious influence from the transactional conceptualization and the dialogical perspective of communication, acknowledging the need for further experimentation in order to be validated.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)770-794
Number of pages25
JournalPhilosophy Study
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2020


  • Interpersonal communication
  • Models of communication
  • Atypical communication


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