Avaliação de propagandas de alimentos com alegação funcional disponibilizadas em sites brasileiros

Translated title of the contribution: Evaluation of food advertisements with functional allegations available on brazilian sites

Francisco Lopes da Silva Filho, Tainara Melo Lira, Lara Polyana Silva Ramos, Nicolle Luz Martins Rocha, Jôslanne Dos Santos Soares, Mateus Flóro da Silva Costa, Alessandra Braga Ribeiro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Functional food is a recently overexploited term used to increase the attention of onsumers, mainly from e-commerce users. Some websites can use this term to sale products that not fill required characters required for National Agency of Sannitary Vigillance of Brazil (ANVISA). This research aimed to evaluate advertisements from websites and the compliance with brazilian legislation according required terms by ANVISA. Data from 117 advertisements of 64 websites were evaluated in the period of march to june of 2017. Only 24% had all requirements estabilished by ANVISA, 76% presented one or more non- conformities, in 80,4% there were not any obligatory warnings about especific characters and 49,7% did not have nutritional table. Because low rates of compliance of these websites with national legislation, monitoring these websites is a way to assure safety for consumers.
Translated title of the contribution Evaluation of food advertisements with functional allegations available on brazilian sites
Original languagePortuguese
JournalSaúde (Santa Maria)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 25 Aug 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Functional foods
  • Advertising
  • Sites


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