Characterization of Citrus limon peels for the valorization through the recovery of bioactive compounds

Daniela Magalhães*, Paula Teixeira, Maria Pintado

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Introduction: Citrus belongs to the family Rutaceae and are one of the most widely cultivated fruit crop and one of the main consumed products in the Mediterranean area. The annual production of different types of citrus fruits was approximately 143 thousand tonnes, where lemons, Citrus limon L.; and limes, Citrus aurantifolia L. accounts for ca. 20 thousand tonnes, in the year 2019 [1]. The processing and consumption of citrus fruit generates a significant amount of waste. This includes peel, pulp, seeds, and pomace, which represents about 50% of the fresh fruit [2]. Citrus limon (C. limon) peels contain significant amounts of bioactive compounds, such as minerals, carotenoids, vitamins, essential oils, phenolic compounds, and fibres (mainly pectin), which confer nutritional value and health benefits such as antimicrobial and antioxidant properties [3]. These by-products, which are typically discarded as waste in the environment, can be explored to produce new bioactive and functional ingredients, a desirable approach from a circular economy perspective. Objectives: The main goal of this work was the development of an integrative and sustainable approach to obtain bioactive and functional ingredients from lemon by-products. The nutritional composition, phenolic compound profile and essential oil properties were characterised in order to understand the potential valorisation of the lemon by- products. Main conclusions: According to these results, it can be concluded that lemon by-products, contain interesting bioactive compounds, mainly fiber, phenolic compounds and aromatic volatile compounds, justifying their valorisation in different food applications.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - May 2023
EventXI Food Technology International Symposium - Murcia, Spain
Duration: 11 May 202316 May 2023


ConferenceXI Food Technology International Symposium


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