Computer guided bone harvesting from mandible. Case series

Tiago Marques*, André Correia, Filipe Araújo, Nuno Santos

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review



alveolar defects is strongly dependent on bone augmentation procedures.[1] Autogenous bone is the most predictable material to support new bone formation, allowing for a higher bone survival rate and implant success.[1,2] Computer-guided bone harvesting, performed according to the protocol described by De Stavola et al. (2015), effectively translated the surgical plan into the surgical field, assisting the surgeon in performing the correct osteotomy and limiting the variability of the cut position due to skill factors.[1] The position, angulation, and depth of the osteotomy is controlled, optimizing the volume of the harvestable bone block while reducing the risk of damage to anatomical structures.[1–3] Case report: Three patients in need of mandibular horizontal ridge augmentation due to bone atrophy were treated with autologous bone graft from the retromolar area using a computer guided bone harvesting guide. All anatomical structures such as the alveolar canal and dental roots were located using Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite and ideal bone-cutting planes were defined with secure surgical margins. The final guide was designed using Exocad GmbH software and were printed on Phrozen Mini 8k printer. Clinical wound healing was evaluated 8 days post surgically and 15 days for suture removal. None of the cases showed any kind of complication in a 4 month follow-up. Conclusion: This case series clinical results confirm that this is a clinically proven technique allowing a minimal invasive procedure with satisfying clinical results. The use of digital planning simplifies the procedure and reduces the learning curve, in a reproductible way.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventNational Meeting of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS) - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Sintra, Portugal
Duration: 31 Mar 20231 Apr 2023


SeminarNational Meeting of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS)


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