Criação e nova criação: o que pensa o judaísmo intertestamentário?

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The theology of the ‘Creation – new Creation’ is one of the richest fields in all of Biblical theology. It concerns a debate that permeates the whole of Biblical history, both ad-intra, in other words Biblical thought in dialogue with itself, as well as that which unfurls itself ad-extra, in comparison with the cultures and mythologies of the surrounding peoples. The implications of this debate are not limited to the Pentateuch nor are they restricted to cult literature (for example, Psalm 8). They move out, to a striking extent, to the groups and movements that represent intertestamentary Judaism, where the question, in the face of Greek culture, assumes a new relevance. The source that inspires and feeds the theology of the (new) creation is in the prophetic thinking, namely of Deutero-Isaiah, in the post-exile period and in the theology of the ‘New Alliance’ of Jeremiah and of Ezequiel and also in the real-political ideology that was developed in the exaltation of the Temple at Jerusalem as the dwelling of Yahweh, through the mediation of the Davidian dynasty, whose mission was to establish a new social order. There is a wealth of texts on this theme, namely in the apocaliptic literature and that of Qumran. I allude to just a few of these: 1 Enoch 91, 15-16; 1 Enoch 45, 5-6; Jubilees 1, 23-25; 23, 26-32; 1 Qumran Hebrew 3, 28-35; 13,1.11-12; 15, 13-17; Joseph and Asenath 8,11; 15,3-4.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)67-76
Number of pages10
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2008

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