Cultura & desenvolvimento rural - o teatro regional da serra de Montemuro - Portugal

Maria Lúcia de Jesus Pato, Vitor Manuel Pinto de Figueiredo

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



In the beginning of the nineties, through a cultural tradition, a theatre initiative emerged in the small village of Campo Benfeito (Castro Daire municipality, mountain of Montemuro) that would become a unique figure in the development of the village, the county and Region of Montemuro: Teatro Regional da Serra do Montemuro. After a period of learning, the company presented the first international show in 1995. Thanks to the interest aroused in the entities that attended the show, the company decided to ask for help to the Portuguese State, having since then acquired a professional status. The theatre continues to be the source of livelihood and income for six full-time employees. In addition, the benefits of the initiative have repercussions in the rural community itself, particularly at the level of local socio-economic revitalization. Proof of this is the Altitudes festival, Seroes da Serra and the synergies created with the entire local population and the integration of the village in the network “Aldeias de Portugal”. Based on a qualitative analysis, the purpose of this study is to explore the contribution of this initiative to the personal and professional development of the actors involved and the contribution to sustainable rural development, in particular the village of Campo Benfeito.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationAgrárias
Subtitle of host publicationpesquisa e inovação nas ciências que alimentam o mundo
EditorsEduardo Eugênio Spers
Place of PublicationCuritiba
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9786587396347
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Theatre
  • Culture
  • Rural development
  • Montemuro

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