Cultural heritage policies for prevention, preparedness and first aid

Filipa Mascarenhas Neto, Sofia Pereira, Maria João Revez, João Almeida Filipe, Mohammad Ravankhah, Isabel Inácio, Elena Umanskaya, Rosmarie de Wit

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Cultural heritage, as a fundamental manifestation of individual and collective identity and memory, represents an unquestionable value for the sustainable development and the quality of life of present societies. Recently, a significant mind shift regarding the perception of heritage and cultural activities has been influenced by the impact of cultural heritage in the European GDP. Archaeological sites, museums, monuments, people’s stories and historical environments hold enormous potential to regenerate and renew communities, through their contribution for economic growth, jobs creation, social cohesion and environmental sustainability (Busquin, Thurley 2015). Following this recognition, the world has witnessed the integration of cultural heritage protection measures in the main international documents, especially from 2015 until the present moment, intending to mainstream cultural heritage in risk management policies and climate change strategies, as a call for action for governments and communities. Below, this chapter explores the international frameworks and approach- es currently in practice to influence the implementation of conservation and cultural heritage protection policies introduces the STORM risk-oriented proposals to improve governmental policies, mainly focused on prevention, allow a possible adaption to national legal systems of the STORM partner countries, as well as for their appropriation by different communities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCultural heritage resilience against climate change and natural hazards
Subtitle of host publicationmethodologies, procedures, technologies and policy improvements achieved by Horizon 2020 - 700191 STORM project
EditorsVanni Resta, Andrei B. Utkin, Filipa M. Neto, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis
PublisherPisa University Press
Number of pages42
ISBN (Print)9788833392394
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes


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