Teologia europeia na contemporaneidade. Categoria, transformações e perspetivas

Translated title of the contribution: European theology in the contemporary period. Category, transformations and perspectives

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The normalization of contextual‑geographical theological categories (such as Latin‑American, Asian or African theologies) raises the question of a European Theology. This article seeks to question the existence of a category like European Theology. This category does not seem to arise in the theological setting as such, which is why an underdevelopment of such a category is recognized. This underdevelopment is closely associated with a set of contemporary transformations at both the ecclesial‑theological and world‑cultural levels, which ultimately refer to the loss of Europe’s cultural and Christian hegemony. Finally, we present a brief description of the European theological scenario, pointing out three major perspectives: critical (which assumes methods and analyzes from other epistemologies for the composition of its own theological discourse), hermeneutical (which starts from the facticity of the Belief‑Christian experience and seeks above all its meaning) and mystagogical (which starts from an assumption in favor of faith and wants to lead to it).
Translated title of the contribution European theology in the contemporary period. Category, transformations and perspectives
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)145-160
Number of pages16
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2020


  • Theology
  • Contextual theologies
  • European theology


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