Experiências instagramáveis nos brunches em Lisboa: a busca por sabor ou likes?

Research output: Types of ThesisMaster's Thesis


Nowadays, the consumer experience goes beyond the satisfaction from consuming a specific product or service. With the emergence of the internet and then the social media - and consequently the need to share our experiences on these websites - people now also search for an amount of likes in each new Instagram post. Therefore, providing a scenario or experience that contributes to a significant increase in the engagement of a customer's photograph becomes a competitive advantage for the company. Considering the growing number of instagrammable brunches in Lisbon, this paper aims to investigate how customers behave when consuming this kind of experience, whether looking for the best taste or more likes. Knowing that consumers are increasingly looking for locations that allow them to take a good photography, the objective is to discover how the brands can benefit from creating these instagrammable experiences. Through interviewing consumers and analyzing the Instagram profiles of 5 of the most popular brunches in Lisbon - Fauna & Flora, Amélia, Nicolau, Zenith e Heim Café - it was possible to conclude the relevance of creating an instagrammable experience for these brands. The data collected showed that the images published by various media-users (Terra, 2009) can be very similar to the ones published in professional profiles and can form a unique feed of projected - instagramism images (Manovich, 2017) when grouped through hashtag searches. It was identified that these users primarily look for taste, but value the presentation of the dishes and the pleasant atmosphere that can become a content for their Instagram as they enjoy sharing the moments considered important with their followers - the instagrammable experience complements the gastronomic experience. Also knowing that the word of mouth is one of the most efficient ways to promote products and brands, what we realize from research is that happy consumers are pleased to share a moment with their social network in an emerging way (Johnson, 2003), forming a space-promoting media through an Instagram feed of several independent entities (Johnson, 2003).
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Dias, Patrícia, Supervisor
Award date30 Apr 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Phygital
  • Prosumers
  • Social media
  • Social media marketing
  • Instagram
  • Instagrammable
  • Instagrammable experience
  • Brunches
  • Lisboa

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