Fatores promotores de bem-estar na relação conjugal: percurso de investigação e proposta de abordagem psico-educativa

Translated title of the contribution: Factors promoting well-being in the conjugal relationship: research path and proposal for a psycho-educational approach

Susana Costa-Ramalho, Alexandra Marques-Pinto, Maria Teresa Ribeiro

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

Translated title of the contributionFactors promoting well-being in the conjugal relationship: research path and proposal for a psycho-educational approach
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationPsicologia educacional
Subtitle of host publicationinvestigação e intervenção em Portugal
EditorsMaria João Alvarez, Ana Margarida Veiga Simão, Joaquim Armando Ferreira, Eduardo Santos
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherCoisas de Ler
Number of pages26
ISBN (Electronic)9789898878335
ISBN (Print)9789898878205
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020

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