Gelificação iônica utilizada para encapsulamento da spirulina leb-18: Gelation ionic use for the encapsulation spirulina leb-18

Adriana Rodrigues Machado*, Maria Inês Rodrigues Machado, Leonor A. Souza-Soares

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Purpose of the completion of on the microencapsulation process of Spirulina LEB-18, aimed at selecting the best protocol for the microencapsulation of microalgae with high protein value. the microencapsulation of Spirulina LEB-18 were performed through different processes by ionic gelation, after realized the morphological characterization of particle optical microscopy. The protocols evaluated with respect to particles obtained by ionic gelation showed different particle sizes. Analysis by light microscopy enabled us to verify if there was, in fact, the encapsulation of Spirulina LEB-18. The samples were close to spherical shapes, indicating that Spirulina LEB-18 was encapsulated.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)270-275
Number of pages6
JournalRevista Sodebras
Issue number133
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Microalgae
  • Characterizarion
  • Particle

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