Gesture & synthesis

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Gesture & Synthesis is an exhibition formed by two wave generators built as independent sound installations and as instruments used as part of the live piece for Gesture & Synthesis. These objects function as a kind of internal projectors or shadow theatres. Each projector contains a pair of removable black acrylic discs, generated from Collatz sequences – the mathematical conjecture that underpins this entire body of work. These disks rotate at different speeds and directions and at the same time, employing a computer vision algorithm, a webcam calculates the average silhouette produced by the contours of both shapes as they pass through the projector’s eyepiece. The result is used as a wave profile in a wavetable synthesis process. Diogo Tudela is a researcher and programmer focused on critical software, simulation practices, model theory, geometry, diagrams, and mechatronics. His work has addressed vocal synthesis and manipulation technologies as tacit retro-bioengineering. Created in 2022, Supernova Ensemble is an artistic collective dedicated to innovative music in the areas of performing, new media, and sound arts. With a diverse artistic and musical background, the group aims to build a world in which new sound ideas flow freely across genres and media, including music, theatre, dance, video, electroacoustic, chamber music, sound installations, etc.
installation diogo tudela
artistic direction joão dias e josé alberto gomes
production circular festival e gnration
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jan 2023
EventGesture & synthesis - Braga, Portugal
Duration: 13 Jan 202314 Jan 2023


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