Hagiografia(s) no século XXI algumas leituras, difusas "visões" e breves interrogações

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



There is a consensus among researchers of multiple epistemological sensibilities that contemporaneity, sometimes interpreted as post-modernity or as hiper-modernitity, manifests itself as marked by a very wide range of sociocultural phenomena that cannot be disregarded by the attentive eye of the historian and/or hagiographer, latu sensu considered. Among such phenomena, the advent of the “Web 2.0/3.0” acquires particular importance, specifically in what it means in the context of experiences and expressions of contemporary spirituality/religion, increasingly framed in a “(so-called) digital religion”. Thus, adopting the present reflection a hagiographic focus on such phenomena, it is intended to underline such influx and to suggest some possible consequences of this growing immersion in the “digital world” by the contemporary homo religiosus. After an initial clarification of concepts considered fundamental to the proposed analysis, and where the contributions of Zygmunt Bauman, Gilles Lipovetsky and Pierre Lévy are invoked, some “epiphenomena” – here considered paradigmatic – of the referred influx and which point to further consideration are analyzed. Finally, and although not exhaustively, some of the “questions” that the described panorama raises are listed, particularly in the framework of hagiographic analysis proposed.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)125-163
Number of pages39
JournalVia Spiritus
Issue number28
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Sanctity
  • Hagiography
  • Contemporaneity
  • Cyberculture
  • Cyberspace
  • Social networks
  • Social media
  • Digital/virtual sanctity
  • Canonizations

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