Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of a nanobiomaterial in a maxillary sinus lift surgery: a case report

João Carlos Amorim Lopes, Saulo Henrique Salviano, Consuelo Antunes Barreto Lins, Renan Lana Devita, Igor da Silva Brum*, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira Fernandes

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The objective of this study was to histologically and immunologically analyze the level of bone substitution and the presence of new blood vessels in a nanobiomaterial composed of hydroxyapatite and BTCP in a maxillary sinus lift surgery. A case of a maxillary sinus lift was investigated. The patient had a 1.0 mm bone remnant on the left side and 2 grams of nanobiomaterial (80% hydroxyapatite and 20% β-tricalcium phosphate) were grafted into the pneumatized sinus. After 6 months, during dental implant placement surgery, grafted bone samples were collected with 4 mm trephines. These samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis where they were stained with masson'strichrome and immuno stained with osteonectin and osteopontin. After 6 months of bone regeneration a result of 14 mm of bone gain was reached, the analyzes in masson's trichrome showed an excellent gain of newly formed bone, in addition to a very high percentage of blood vessels. In the immunostaining, a very large number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts was observed, signaling an excellent osteoconduction and osteoinduction of the studied nanobiomaterial. The maxillary sinus lift surgery with nanobiomaterial provided a very favorable bone height and thickness gain, as well as the high vascularity and cellularity, which enabled the patient's oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated dental implants and permanent ceramic prostheses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-27
Number of pages15
JournalBritish Journal of Medical and Health Research
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Bone graf
  • Dental implants
  • Maxillary sinus lift surgery
  • Hydroxyapatite


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