Inovando a aprendizagem através da utilização do método simulação em unidades curriculares teóricas no curso de administração

Sefisa Bezerra, Levi Leonido, Elsa Morgado, Mário Cardoso, Eduardo Dias

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review



In education, currently, there are several systematized methodologies topromote active learning that are being consecrated in academic circles,especially in the applied sciences. Among them is the Simulation Method,which consists of exploring techniques, skills and some behavioral aspects ofthe student, using the classroom as a representation model of a businessenvironment. This study intends to present the importance of the practice oflearning Simulation as a complementary resource in disciplines that, strictlyspeaking, would be treated as only theoretical curricular units, creatingadded value by the mental and creative effort of both the student and theteacher, enabling their understanding of much more clear and unforgettable,since his understanding has been up to the level of emotions and feelings. Aqualitative study with experiential approach, where even if we do not intendto generate conclusions on the subject, we must mention some of its benefitssuch as:the intense participation and interest of the students as agents of theprocess of learning and discovery, having at that time experienced successesand failures due to the development of the decision making exercise, theactivation of motivational factors in the students, the possibility of perceivingand using their behavioral aspects of and the efficient use of scarce physical,material, technological and time resources.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationINNODOCT/18. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education
EditorsFernando Garrigós Simón, Sofía Estellés Miguel, Ismael Lengua Lengua, José Onofre Montesa, Carlos M. Dema Pérez, Juan Vicente Oltra Gutiérrez, Yeamduan Narangajavana, María José Verdecho Sáez
Place of PublicationValencia
PublisherEditorial Universitat Politècnica de València
ISBN (Print)9788490487112
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2018
EventINNODOCT 2018 - Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Duration: 14 Nov 201816 Nov 2018


ConferenceINNODOCT 2018
Abbreviated titleINNODOCT 2018 - International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education


  • Simulation
  • Active methods
  • Learning

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