Intervisão entre pares multidisciplinares no ensino profissional

Carla Moreno, Luísa Orvalho

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Considering the new and demanding challenges that the 21st century school system has ahead, and so that it may react with more adequate and contextualized answers to the complex reality of each educational and formative path, it is essential to count on teachers who believe in their power and skills to transform, to recreate and self regulate their practice and to commit themselves to change. Accepting the teacher’s professional development simultaneously as engine, process and product of the pedagogical action, three dimensions can be considered as crucial to that development- peer-supervision, collaboration and evaluation. Thus, this study presents the collaborative action and research that was developed during the 2016-17 school year in Escola Profissional de Agricultura de Carvalhais/Mirandela (Vocational School of Agriculture), included in the proximity consultancy “Collaborate to Learn” (COPA), from the Support to Education Improvement Service (SAME), from the Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia, da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Education and Psychology Faculty from the Universidad Catholica Portuguesa-UCP). An experiment combining the development of training practices is described, in the classroom context, based on peer-supervision and sharing of experiences among teachers from qualifying and double certification courses, levels IV and III (vocational education courses and education and training courses) through the attendance and observation of lessons by multidisciplinary colleagues. In a collaborative environment, EPA’s teachers have affirmed themselves as an educational team capable of thinking critically about their practice so as to improve learning. This “constructive evaluation”, reasoned and reflected by the own teacher, together with his/her peers, starting from his/her own teaching practice is a sine qua non guarantee of his/her emancipation and professional, personal and organizational affirmation and consequently of his/her teaching development of an aware, responsible, committed and professional identity.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationIII Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE)
Subtitle of host publicationlivro de atas
EditorsRui Pedro Lopes, Manuel Vara Pires, Luis Castanheira, Elisabete Mendes Silva, Graça Santos, Cristina Mesquita, Paula Marisa Fortunato Vaz
Place of PublicationBragança
PublisherInstituto Politécnico de Bragança
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)9789727452415
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventIII Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE) - Bragança, Portugal
Duration: 4 May 20185 May 2018


ConferenceIII Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE)


  • Teaching profession
  • Peer-supervision
  • Collaboration
  • Evaluation

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