Inventário de exploração de carreira na infância: invariância fatorial para zonas geográficas

Íris M. Oliveira, Maria do Céu Taveira, Erik J. Porfeli

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Career exploration is a central process that enables children to advance their self-knowledge and learn more about work, occupations and life roles. However, limitations in the assessment of childhood career exploration have been identified and the application of self-report measures to different geographic areas has been neglected. This study examines the factorial invariance of the Childhood Career Exploration Inventory (IECI) for northern and central areas of Portugal during middle school years. Participants included 10-year-old 420 children of both genders, 69.5% from northern and 30.5% from central Portugal. The IECI was group administrated in two moments during fifth-grade and in additional two moments during sixth-grade. Research ethical procedures were taken into consideration. Confirmatory multigroup analyses suggested the IECI configural and metric invariance for northern and central Portugal in the four occurrences of measurement. These results sustain the IECI application in these Portuguese geographic areas. Future studies might recruit a broader sample from the Portuguese continent and islands to examine the IECI application to additional geographic areas and develop normative criteria. In addition, the IECI might sustain the design and evaluation of psychological practices aimed at fostering childhood career development.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationDiagnóstico e avaliação psicológica
Subtitle of host publicationatas do 10.º Congresso da AIDAP/AIDEP
EditorsMarcelino Pereira, Isabel Maria Alberto, José Joaquim Costa, José Tomás da Silva, Cristina Petrucci A. Albuquerque, Maria João Seabra Santos, Manuela Pereira Vilar , Teresa Manuela D. Rebelo
Place of PublicationCoimbra
ISBN (Electronic)9789892093413
ISBN (Print)9789892093291
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event10º Congresso da AIDAP/AIDEP: diagnóstico e avaliação psicológica - Coimbra, Portugal
Duration: 6 Sept 20188 Sept 2018


Conference10º Congresso da AIDAP/AIDEP


  • Career exploration
  • Childhood
  • Geographic area

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