Iogurte caprino probiótico adicionado de mel de abelha melipona scutellaris

Elieidy Gomes de Oliveira Maria (Inventor), Manuela Estevez Pintado Maria (Inventor), Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto Queiroga (Inventor), Alcântara Dourado Gomes Machado Tamires (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates to a probiotic goat's yoghurt with added honey from native stingless bees, preferably Melipona scutellaris, using probiotic lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus) and native bee honey. Goat yoghurt with probiotic potential has characteristics such as high nutritional value, uniform texture and excellent flavour. The yoghurt contains probiotics and native stingless bee honey that contribute to the health of the digestive system. It can be prepared easily, has a low production cost and a high yield compared to other dairy products.

Original languagePortuguese
Patent numberBR102017023994
Priority date8/11/17
Filing date8/11/17
Publication statusSubmitted - 8 Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes

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