La cultura escrita en los monasterios femeninos del Císter en Portugal (siglos XIII-XV): balance y perspectivas

Translated title of the contribution: Written culture in Portuguese female Cistercian houses (13th-15th centuries): assessment and perspectives

Luís Miguel Rêpas, Catarina Fernandes Barreira

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



This article addresses written culture in female Cistercian monasteries in Portugal during the Middle Ages. Following a brief résumé of the state of the art, we shall seek to present the principal lines of analysis according to a two-pronged approach embracing both archives and libraries. The potential inherent to the study of monastic archives, including the production of documents, conservation, and organisation, is immense. Meanwhile, study of Cistercian female monastic libraries and their constituent books not only opens important perspectives on the commissioning, acquisition, and production of codices (for liturgical or other uses), but also on the reading practices of nuns and their literacy.
Translated title of the contributionWritten culture in Portuguese female Cistercian houses (13th-15th centuries): assessment and perspectives
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)33-51
Number of pages19
JournalLusitania Sacra
Issue number45
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2022


  • Monasteries
  • Nuns
  • Monastic archives
  • Libraries
  • Books


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