Liderança e governação hospitalar: promoção da qualidade de cuidados num país envelhecido

Translated title of the contribution: Leadership and hospital governance: promoting the quality of care in an aged country

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The aging of the population has become a major challenge for most countries worldwide, as well as a focus of research, in the concrete case in the area of nursing. The overall decline in fertility rates and the prolongation of life expectancy per capita in both developed and developing countries since 1996 have led to a resurgence of the elderly population worldwide. Developed countries were the first to experience an aged society and are moving towards hyper-aged societies, as is the Portuguese case. Several population projections also indicate that the aging process of the world's population will accelerate in the coming decades. Through this scenario, this article aims to reflect on hospital leadership and governance in promoting the quality of care in an aging country, based on a literature review methodology.
Translated title of the contribution Leadership and hospital governance: promoting the quality of care in an aged country
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)255-266
Number of pages12
JournalGestão e Desenvolvimento
Issue number30
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 2022


  • Leadership
  • Hospital governance
  • Elderly
  • Care


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