Manuel Granell: filósofo, discípulo y lector de Ortega. El camino fenomenológico de la estimativa a la ethología

Noé Expósito Ropero, Ignacio Quepons Ramírez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The aim of our work is to address four points. First, to recover the philosophical figure of Manuel Granell (Oviedo, 1906 – Caracas, 1993), one of the great disciples of Ortega, unfortunately, forgotten. Second, to show that the recovery of Granell ́s work offers some keys for an alternative interpretation of Ortega ́s work considering the phenomenological tradition started by Brentano and Husserl, as a counterpart from the interpre-tation of other eminent disciples of Ortega like Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar or Julián Marías. Third, to address such problem following the Science of Estimation developed by Ortega in 1916, and forth, to show the close relation bet-ween such science and the so called “Ethologia” developed by Granell.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)119-136
Number of pages18
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Manuel Granell
  • José Ortega y Gasset
  • Escuela de Madrid
  • Madrid school
  • Value theory
  • Vocational ethics
  • Phenomenology


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