Modelling migration from paper into a food simulant

Maria de Fátima Poças*, Jorge C. Oliveira, Joel R. Pereira, Rainer Brandsch, Timothy Hogg

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

93 Citations (Scopus)


The migration of components from paper into Tenax® was studied to determine the influence of molecular size and chemical character of the migrant and the influence of paper characteristics in the migration process. The Weibull model was applied because Fick's 2nd law of diffusion gave poor fits in some cases. The migration pattern depended on the migrants molecular size and was independent of temperature in the studied range. The migration rate decreased with the migrant molecular size. The influence of the migrants character (polarity and vapour pressure) on the migration behaviour was also studied: nonpolar migrants with high vapour pressure presented low relative migration values and polar migrants presented high values of relative migration. Results indicated that the apparent partition coefficient between paper and the simulant Tenax® increased with the migrant vapour pressure and with both the paper grammage and the recycled pulp content.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)303-312
Number of pages10
JournalFood Control
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011


  • Board
  • Mathematical model
  • Migration
  • Migration modelling
  • Packaging
  • Paper
  • Phthalates
  • Recycling
  • Tenax


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