title = "New avenues on intragroup liability",
abstract = "The corporate group is the prevailing organizational form of the modern large enterprise. To deal with intragroup liability problems means to scrutinise the legitimacy of the extension of the “sacred cows” of classical corporation law, in particular the deep-seated institutions of the legal personality of corporations and of the limited liability of their shareholders, to this new form of enterprise organisation. The author analyses the major types of regulatory strategies in a worldwide comparative law, as well as enquires about about the possibility of adoption of new regulatory avenues on this topic. ",
keywords = "Corporate groups, Corporation law, Limited liability, Multinational enterprises, US corporation law, Entity law, Piercing the corporate veil, German corporation law",
author = "Antunes, {Jos{\'e} Engr{\'a}cia}",
note = "English Translation of “Neue Wege im Konzernhaftungsrecht. Nochmals: Der “Amoco Cadiz”-Fall. In: “Festschrift f{\"u}r Marcus Lutter zum 70. Geburtstag – Deutsches und europ{\"a}isches Gesellschafts-, Konzern- und Kapitalmarktrecht”, 995-1009, Verlag Otto Schmidt, K{\"o}ln, 2000",
year = "2017",
month = feb,
day = "28",
language = "English",
series = "SSRN - Social Sciences Research Network",
type = "WorkingPaper",