New journalism in the age of disinformation: an analysis on the work of fact-checkers in Portugal

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract



Fact-checking has always been a decisive step in gathering information and in conferring credibility to the news. However, in the scope of efforts to combat the current phenomenon of disinformation, a new type of fact-checking has emerged, aimed exclusively at analyzing content that has already been published in traditional or digital media and has gone viral in social media. It provides a space in these media where professionals verify the accuracy of data, facts, statements, and other content in various formats (video, photo, and audio) that were presented to the public. Further, it holds accountable those who use lies to confuse or mislead the public. On the other hand, this new journalistic approach is questioned both for the methods it employs in verification and for its effective impact in combating disinformation. Indeed, the initial damage caused by false information is usually greater than the attempt to repair it because it has wider repercussions and outreach, especially in digital media. Besides, some people prefer to believe false information, even if it is declared to be a lie. Therefore, this study intends to contribute with a theoretical and preliminary analysis about these current challenges that are faced by fact-checkers, taking the case of Portugal as an example. Scientific research on this topic is still scarce in countries outside the United States (Tompkins, 2020) and is critical to contribute to efforts to combat disinformation. It is an opportunity to examine possible spaces for improvement of the method and material that has been produced in the country.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2022
EventDoctoral Winter Seminar for the Study of Communication - Catholic University of Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 8 Feb 202210 Feb 2022


SeminarDoctoral Winter Seminar for the Study of Communication
Internet address


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