Nota introductoria a la traducción de “La idea de una cultura filosófica. Su primera germinación en la filosofía griega” de Edmund Husserl

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The present paper offers an introduction to the Spanish translation of "The Idea of a Philosophical Culture: Its First Germination in Greek Philosophy" by Edmund Husserl, first published in 1923 in Japanisch-deutsche Zeit-schrift für Wissenschaft und Technik. It contextualizes it historically and philosophically within Husserlian work. We pay special attention to the link between the afore mentioned article and other publications from 1923-1924, that appeared in Japanese journal Kaizo, and which focus on similar issues. The latter were published in Spanish translation under joint title Renovación del hombre y de la cultura.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)187-205
JournalInvestigaciones Fenomenológicas
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018
Externally publishedYes


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