Nutritional assessment of patients in long-term care at Hospital Santa Maria – Porto, and the perceptions of the nursing team

Maria Inês Barros, Elisabete Pinto, Marta Correia

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Worldwide increases in life expectancy entails a higher prevalence in chronic diseases (1). At the same time, the adult population is increasingly sedentary which conveys a greater risk for potentially fatal and chronic degenerative diseases (2) increasing the probability for long-term care (LTC) (3,4). Additionally, malnutrition negatively affects the LTC patient, highlighting the relevance of timely identifying patients at nutritional risk to further prevent the onset/aggravation of pathologies (5), through nutritional support prescription. A multidisciplinary team, including the nurse team, is of particular importance for a successful nutritional approach in LTC, since the regular daily proximity to patients, might facilitate recognition of important signs influencing the patient's food intake that, overall, will impact patient nutritional and clinical status.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2023
EventXXII Congress of Food and Nutrition and III International Congress of Food and Nutrition - Alfândega do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Duration: 11 May 202312 May 2023


ConferenceXXII Congress of Food and Nutrition and III International Congress of Food and Nutrition


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