O acolhimento pastoral: perspectivas teológicas e antropológicas

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Fellowship is a fundamental and permanent challenge in the pastoral work of the Church and, after all, a structuring experience in the life of all: the social sciences endlessly repeat that the giving and receiving of fellowship, loving and feeling loved, is what brings greatest balance to humanity. This text begins by examining the theological basis for fellowship, that is to say the fellowship that has God as subject, in particular through the fundamental characteristics of "condescension" and of "mercy". This is followed by a series of important notes concerning the praxis of fellowship of Jesus, taking three very concrete texts from the Gospels. Lastly, stress is placed on a number of areas and perspectives where fellowship is particularly pressing in our pastoral work in the parishes, movements and other realities.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)299-307
Number of pages9
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007

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