O Combate ao Terrorismo Jihadista Coloca em Causa a Relação Transatlântica?

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The Soviet Empire was a major pillar of the transatlantic relation. Indeed, before a well-defined threat, the USA and Western Europe, using a contention policy, joined efforts to control that threat. With the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the bipolar world disappeared, and new risks and threats emerged. After the 9/11 jihadist terrorist attacks, some differences stressed out, especially after the Iraqi invasion, concerning the nature and some forms of dealing with that threat.
This paper aims to respond to the following question: does the combat against jihadist terrorism reinforces the transatlantic relation? For that end, it will be analyzed the different perceptions of this threat; the different strategies to its combat; if the combat against jihadist terrorism is a risk factor in the transatlantic relation and finally, how to reinforce the transatlantic relation?
The present paper sustain that there are different perceptions and strategies concerning the combat of jihadist terrorism, which does not put in question the transatlantic relation – but nevertheless must be reinforced for an efficient combat against jihadist terrorism.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)97-110
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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