O potencial da inteligência artificial na gestão

Afonso Violante, António Andrade

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has overcome the barriers of what was thought impossible and the cartography of published research shows cases where its adoption makes businesses faster, smarter and safer. However, and as is a trend in automation, AI is also subject to many dogmas, fears and even some threats at the business level, namely whether it could have an impact on jobs. This article aims to identify the morphology of the perception that managers have about the potential of AI in organizations. This is a study from a qualitative perspective, of a descriptive nature, adopting the interview as a method of data collection. The objective proposed above in this exploratory study allowed us to conclude that managers of organizations are relatively familiar with the concept of AI. Regarding its application in sectors of activity, we can conclude that AI has a noticeable impact on processes and activities in the Financial, Retail and Technology sectors. Regarding the Health and Energy sectors, although the impact is already relevant, the introduction of AI in these sectors, following the sample, is still at an embryonic stage. However, all managers are aware that this tool will be the future of the business world and that only organizations that use it best will be able to remain competitive in the long term.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)439-479
Number of pages40
JournalGestão e Desenvolvimento
Issue number30
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2022


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Innovation
  • Competitiveness

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